Sometimes, acne can be more than just embarrassment. acne that broke out mostly around mouth and chin area were so painful that eating and smiling both caused pain. In addition to causing inconvenience and pain, acne can even be psychologically crippling. some of the more serious effects on acne sufferers, including behavioral problems, academic decline, social isolation, substance abuse, depression, even suicide. Teenagers are more vulnerable in this respect because both acne and depressive disorder have a peak incidence during adolescence.
Because acne is not a life-threatening disease, we won't get much sympathy when we complain aloud about it. Unfortunately for us, that's the way it is. It's human nature that we all care more about ourselves than others and, as a result, we are all guilty of not having enough understanding and sympathy of others' problems. A better understanding is always helpful and beneficial to all parties, acne or otherwise.
On the other hand, the reality is always a bit less unbearable than what we project it to be. People are never nearly as interested in our face as we are ourselves, or as we think they do. Realizing this may help reduce our agitation a bit. Of course, the final savior comes when our faces clear up. This will happen naturally to most acne sufferers, sooner or later.