Acne Treatment: Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most frequently used acne treatment medications. Benzoyl peroxideis the active ingredient in countless over-the-counter products, such as Clearasil and ProActiv. One of the first proven treatments for acne, it has been used for decades and is still one of the most popular and successful treatments for acne.

Benzoyl peroxide can be found over the counter in cleansers, gels, and lotions, as well as in stronger prescription creams. It is generally an inexpensive treatment, and can be found in both name brands and generic products. All benzoyl peroxide products work similarly. Benzoyl peroxide is often the first treatment choice for those suffering from mild to moderate acne.

How It Works

Propionibacteria acnes or P. acnes, are the bacteria responsible for acne breakouts. They cannot live in an aerobic (oxygen-rich) environment. Benzoyl peroxide works by introducing oxygen into the pore, thereby killing P. acnes. When the bacteria population is reduced, the number of breakouts on the skin is reduced as well.

Another factor that makes benzoyl peroxide so effective is its ability to help rid the follicle of excess dead skin cells. Clearing the pore of cellular debris will lessen the chance of pore blockages, or comedones. Because of this, benzoyl peroxide helps prevent breakouts before they start.

The use of benzoyl peroxide often must be continued, even after acne clears up. Once treatments are stopped, bacterium populations can increase and acne may return. Your dermatologist can help you determine how long to continue your benzoyl peroxide treatments.


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