Identify the Symptoms of Common Acne

Acne vulgaris, or common acne, is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit (term used to describe the unit made up of the hair follicle, sebaceous glandand sebaceous duct), causing some form of lesions on the skin.

Non-Inflamed AcneAcne can be divided into two categories: inflamed and non-inflamed. Non-inflamed acne breakouts consist of microcomedones, blackheads, and milia. These types of comedones are not red or painful. Symptoms of non-inflamed acne include bumps or bumpiness across the skin’s surface, or an uneven skin texture. Even if comedones are not readily visible, they will make the skin feel rough or “sandpapery.”People with non-inflamed acne experience blackheads, milia, and closed comedones but rarely have reddened breakouts, such as papules or pustules. Left untreated, non-inflamed acne may progress to inflamed acne.
Inflamed AcneInflamed acne is characterized by redness and inflammation. Those with inflamed acne will have microcomedones, blackheads, and milia, as well as papules, pustules, and possibly nodules and cysts. Symptoms also include redness, swelling, and irritation of the skin, along with possible crusting, oozing, or scabbing of the lesions.Inflamed acne ranges in acuity from very mild to extremely severe. Some inflamed acne sufferers will experience only the occasional pustule while others will battle angry-looking cysts. Cystic acne is the most serious form of inflamed acne. Inflamed acne sufferers are most at risk for skin damage and scarring.


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