To practice effective acne treating yoga, learning the supine posture is a must. Here is how you can go about it:
1) Lie on your back and place your hands beside your body. Your legs should be straight.
2) Using your elbows raise the chest far enough from the floor so that top of the head rests on the floor.
3) Place your left foot (heel) on the right thigh, close to the hip joint. Do the same with your right foot (heel) on the left thigh. Hold your feet firmly with your hands.
4) Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
5) Stay in the position for a minute and return back to normal.
6) You may repeat the process again.
Deep relaxation in the supine posture is a very beneficial yoga technique, which has its effects on the mind and the body. It deepens the breath, relaxes the digestive system and promotes concentration. The basic problem behind acne is concentration of wastes inside the body, which start exhibiting outside in the form of acne. Yoga helps your body to get rid of that unwanted waste.