Call it acne, pimple, or zit. To treat it, we must understand the causes; clogged pores and bacteria, hormones, or genetics.
There are many ways to take care of acne, depending on what causes it and how bad it is. Moderate and severe acne usually needs acne treatment recommended by a doctor, but mild acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and a few pimples can usually be treated at home.
One big misconception it that acne is caused by dirty skin. However, that’s not actually the matter. To handle acne, wash your face gently- don’t scrub it, use a gentle soap to wash your face, wash with your hands, use a 5 percent benzoyl peroxide product, and treat your whole face so you can treat pimples still under the skin but not yet visible.
Stay away from any kind of facial scrubs, “face puffs” or abrasive pads, expensive cosmetic regimens that people try to sell you.
Other tips to keep acne from getting worse:
* If you’re a male, be careful shaving.
* Don’t pick or scratch at pimples (guiltiest pleasure ever!)
* Avoid the sun, because the rays can cause other unwanted issues, such as premature aging and skin cancer.
When the pimples are leaving scars or if your treatment isn’t working, then it’s time to see a family doctor or dermatologist.
And while acne is a bummer, it doesn't have to take over you life; take action and take control of your skin.