There are so many myths popular about acne that it really becomes difficult at times to distinguish between facts and fiction of acne. So here is your guide to 6 acne facts which a dermatologist might also forget to talk about.
Avoid dairy products as they may cause acne!
Your dermatologist may claim otherwise, but studies have pointed to the link between certain foods and acne. Highly acidic foods can be the main culprit behind acne. So, dairy products like milk, ice cream, cheese, cheddar cheese, goat's milk, margarine and yogurt, are also acne promoters. Grains, beans, nuts, sugar, alcohol, soft drinks and red meat are also proved as acne causing foods in the recent studies. The logical substitute for these acidic foods is alkaline food.
On the hand, foods like lean meat, fish, fresh vegetables, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, and fruits like apples, pineapples, strawberries, oranges, apples, grapes and lemons help fight acne. Although lemon is citric in nature, the specific citric acid that it contains has an alkalinizing effect that reduces acidic levels rather than increasing it. Besides, drink as much water as possible throughout the day. It will help clean your system. The cleaner your system, the cleaner will be your pores.
Topical medications must be applied on the zits and pimples only and not on the whole face.
Topical creams and lotions must be applied to the whole face and not just as a spot treatment for zits. Apart from cleaning out the pores, the job of these medications is to reduce the amount of sebum that glands in the skin produce. It is hence a must to apply it to the whole affected area. Both over-the-counter products and prescribed medications work to preventive acne by killing bacteria. So, all such topical solutions are not just a cure for acne but a preventive measure for future outbreaks. However it is important to apply the recommended dose only. Over application may worsen the condition.
Covered wounds heal faster than open ones
Well, this a common perception while the truth is wounds heal quicker in moist conditions. Dry skin always require rehydration. Thus, apply essential oils on the wounds after washing them with lukewarm water. Lavender or tea tree oil can be safely applied. They also have antiseptic qualities. When you're done, put a bandage over the wound. Remove it only when the wound is completely healed. Antibiotic ointments like Bacitracin or Neosporin may be used too.
Vitamin E hampers healing of wounds
Vitamin E may help in avoiding scars, but it takes a longer time to heal wounds. Vitamin E does prevent oxidative damage to the skin because it is an antioxidant, but it doesn't help in the healing process. Healing without scars can be achieved by applying essential oils like lavender and tea tree oil. Other alternatives like silicone gel sheeting may also be tried.
Flat moles could be skin cancer
Not all skin cancer moles protrude. All moles can potentially be harbingers of skin cancer. You must be vigilant for signs of melanoma even in flat moles, like sudden changes, bleeding or irregular size. Flat moles should never be dismissed without consulting a doctor. Asymmetrical, irregular shape and color and diameter more than 5 mm could be signs of skin cancer.