There are many people who think back acne and facial acne to be same. The only difference they spot is that they occur on different body parts. However, this is not true. Bacne is different from acne on the face in more than just one ways. Here are some of them.
Back acne is tougher to treat
Unlike facial acne, back acne is difficult to treat. This is because the skin on the back is a lot tougher than the skin on the face. Thus, the anti acne product that you choose finds it difficult to seep through the skin. Also, acne on the back is more stubborn and does not go away easily. This is why you need a more aggressive treatment for the same.
Back acne is accompanied by severe lesions
One of the primary causes of acne is excessive sebum. This sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands that lie underneath the surface of the skin. While both- facial skin as well as the skin on the back has sebaceous glands, the glands on the back are relatively larger. Thus, the oil produced on the back is relatively more than the oil produced on the face. As a result, back acne is often accompanied by severe lesions such as nodules and cysts.
Back acne has different triggers
Though both- facial as well as back acne are caused due to clogging of skin pores, the triggers for the two remain different. Factors that may aggravate facial acne may not affect the other at all or vice versa. One of the most common factors associated with acne on the back is irritation.
In fact, a particular form of this skin problem 'Acne Mechnica', which is associated with bacne, is caused due to skin irritation. Several factors such as tight clothing, use of backpacks, rough back massage etc could irritate the skin, which could lead to a further breakout.
On the other hand, irritation is not a trigger for facial acne. However, it may be aggravated due to other triggers or factors such as make up, excessive touching of the skin, use of wrong skin care products and the like.
Back acne is more common in men
Though back acne can attack both- men and women, the problem is more common in males as compared to females. The reasons for the same are unknown. On the other hand, facial acne attacks both the sexes equally.
Back acne is easier to hide
Dealing with bacne on a day to day basis is relatively easier simply because of the fact that you can hide it. Most of the times these pimples and zits remain covered so you do not have to try hiding them. In comparison, breakouts on the face are difficult to hide all the time. Though, you can camouflage them with makeup, the bumps are still visible.
Now that you understand the difference between the two, make sure that you treat them appropriately.