When using this method, avoid other harsh acne products in combination with the olive oil. This treatment is best for people with mild to moderate acne. The properties in the oil will help to kill bacteria while balancing moisture in your skin at the same time.
Each night wash your face with a mild cleanser. Be sure you removed all traces of dirt. Put about three tablespoons of olive oil in a small bowl. Apply olive oil to your entire face. Massage the oil in a circular motion on your face for five minutes. Be sure to rub in all the oil so there is no slick residue left on your skin. Dab a few drops of extra oil on active break outs.
To get an even greater result, cut out all sugar from your diet and drink eight to ten glasses of pure water each day. Consume a healthy diet and stick to the five per day vegetable rule. Even more veggies is better, but try to develop a habit of eating at least five every day.
Make a list of your top vegetables for the day such as carrots, beets and cucumbers and commit to eating them. Apples are also very good for acne because they are loaded with nutrients and pectin helps to absorb toxins in your digestive system.