1) Using mint as an acne treatment :
Some people feel that spearmint is better for treating pimples, but I feel that that using a medicinal herb that is menthol-based such as peppermint is much better. What is great about it is that it can be grown in most climates, so you can actually grow it on your own.
The method involved for treating acne with mint is to first of all crush the leaves thoroughly. Then just apply the juicy substance and the crushed leaves mixture to the area that contains the pimples. You should try to leave it on these areas for around ten minutes. The final step is to rinse it off by simply using water.
2) Using oatmeal is one of the best natural remedies for acne :
Believe it or not, using an oatmeal mask works well for acne problems. Trust me, it will look scary once you have oatmeal sticking to your acne infected areas, but it is not as if you will have to walk around all day with this stuff on your body.
To prepare the oatmeal, just add water to it and stir it until it becomes soupy. Apply it to your face for around 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
The major reasons as to why oatmeal works wonders on your pimples, is that manages to clean your clogged skin pores and it will exfoliate the skin. You can also add honey to the mixture and the honey will actually act as a great toner for your skin.
Finding an instant cure for acne is not possible. During the period in your life when you are dealing with acne, you have to find methods that work for you personally. I suggest that you try out the natural remedies for acne before resorting to more drastic systems.