he psychological and social impacts of acne are a huge concern especially because it affects adolescents at a time they are developing their personalities. During this time, peer acceptance is very important to the teenager and unfortunately it has been found that physical appearance and attractiveness is highly linked with peer status.
In recent years, open discussions between patients and medical professionals have revealed the impact acne has on one's psyche. The following are some of the problems that patients with acne may face.
Self esteem and body image
Some embarrassed acne patients avoid eye contact.
Some acne sufferers grow their hair long to cover the face. Girls tend to wear heavy make-up to disguise the pimples, even though they know this sometimes aggravates the condition. Boys often comment, acne is not such a problem for girls because they can wear make-up.
Truncal acne can reduce participation in sport such as swimming or rugby because of the need to disrobe in public changing rooms.
Social withdrawal/relationship building
Acne, especially when it affects the face, provokes cruel taunts from other teenagers.
Some find it hard to form new relationships, especially with the opposite sex.
At a time when teenagers are learning to form relationships, those with acne may lack the self-confidence to go out and make these bonds. They become shy and even reclusive. The main concern is a fear of negative appraisal by others. in extreme cases a social phobia can develop.
Some refuse to go school leading to poor academic performance and possibly future unemployment.
Some take sick days from work, risking their jobs or livelihood.
Acne may reduce career choices, ruling out occupations such as modelling that depend upon personal appearance.
Acne patients are less successful in job applications; their lack of confidence being as important as the potential employers' reaction to their spotty skin.
More people who have acne are unemployed than people who do not have acne are.
Many young adults with acne seek medical help as they enter the workforce, where they perceive that acne is unacceptable and that they should have grown out of it by now.
In recent years, open discussions between patients and medical professionals have revealed the impact acne has on one's psyche. The following are some of the problems that patients with acne may face.
Self esteem and body image
Some embarrassed acne patients avoid eye contact.
Some acne sufferers grow their hair long to cover the face. Girls tend to wear heavy make-up to disguise the pimples, even though they know this sometimes aggravates the condition. Boys often comment, acne is not such a problem for girls because they can wear make-up.
Truncal acne can reduce participation in sport such as swimming or rugby because of the need to disrobe in public changing rooms.
Social withdrawal/relationship building
Acne, especially when it affects the face, provokes cruel taunts from other teenagers.
Some find it hard to form new relationships, especially with the opposite sex.
At a time when teenagers are learning to form relationships, those with acne may lack the self-confidence to go out and make these bonds. They become shy and even reclusive. The main concern is a fear of negative appraisal by others. in extreme cases a social phobia can develop.
Some refuse to go school leading to poor academic performance and possibly future unemployment.
Some take sick days from work, risking their jobs or livelihood.
Acne may reduce career choices, ruling out occupations such as modelling that depend upon personal appearance.
Acne patients are less successful in job applications; their lack of confidence being as important as the potential employers' reaction to their spotty skin.
More people who have acne are unemployed than people who do not have acne are.
Many young adults with acne seek medical help as they enter the workforce, where they perceive that acne is unacceptable and that they should have grown out of it by now.