Juicing your way to acne free skin

Two of the biggest obstacles you will need to overcome when trying to cure your acne is removing toxins from your blood and decreasing your body’s water retention.

Both of these can be achieved with juicing.

You get acne when your pores get blocked. Bacterial, oil, dead skin cells and toxins get trapped inside the blocked pores which cause an inflammatory response which gives you red, raised acne.

Excess toxins in the body and water retention both can cause your pores to be clogged up. One of the safest, natural and most effective ways to deal with these problems are with fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Juicing is extracting the vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes of fruit and vegetables and discarding the fiber. By removing fiber, the juice is able to be quickly absorbed into the body and be put to maximum use in the body.

When you eat whole fruit and vegetables, it can take up to several hours of digestion before beneficial nutrients enter the bloodstream. Alot of the enzymes and other nutrients are also used up or destroyed by digestion. Juicing maximizes nutrient uptake and maximizes the health effect.

The first juices we will take a look at are juices that are good for cleaning the body, blood and lymph of toxins. Large amounts of toxins in the body is known as toxemia. Toxemia is poisoning of the body by over retention of body waste or from the the by-products of metabolism or digestion.

The main vegetable juice many consider the "master juice" that can be used as a base for any combination of vegetable juices is carrot juice. It should be noted at this point that vegetable and fruit juices should not be mixed and should be taken a minimum of an hour apart.

Carrot juice is an excellent blood cleanser and helps to clear and beautify the skin. Being an alkalizer, it helps to clear acidic conditions in the body. One of the toxic conditions that cause acne is known as acidosis. Acidosis is simply, an excess of acid in the body tissue and in the blood. One of the symptoms of acidosis is when the body tries to eliminate impurities through the skin which we saw earlier, was a cause of acne.

Cucumber juice is known as a natural diuretic. It also assists carrot juice in expulsing of toxins, salt, and excess water. When your water tension is released, the pressure on the skin cells is also released which was causing pressure on your pores and making them close up.

Together, carrot and cucumber juice mixed and drunk several times a day are an excellent weapon against acne.

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6 Steps to Clear, Acne-Free Skin

Hundreds of medications, treatments, cleansers and cosmetics are available for people with acne, but the most important elements of an acne-fighting program won’t cost you a cent.

1. Nourish your skin by eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Most health care specialists agree that a healthy diet will benefit your skin. Cut down on caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates, all of which can activate the hormones that tell your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Add more fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, juices and other healthy treats to your daily diet, and you’ll see in improvement in your sTambah Gambarkin.

2. Drink lots of water to maintain the skin's elasticity.

Plenty of water is essential to the health of your skin. One of the main activities of the body’s self-healing system is to filter the blood, a job performed mostly by the kidneys, with help from the skin in the form of perspiration. This self-healing system removes the toxic wastes of metabolizing food and of other harmful substances that get into our bodies one way or another.

This purification system operates efficiently only if the volume of water flowing through it is sufficient to carry away the wastes. 6 to 8 glasses (64 fluid ounces) of water a day is the recommendation. To reach your quota, carry bottled water with you in your car, your purse, your briefcase—wherever you go.

Get the water habit, and your skin will thank you for it.

3. Exercise regularly for good circulation.

Get into a regular routine of exercise. Do it for at least half an hour, five days a week. Exercise improves your blood circulation, helping your body clear toxins from your system, including your skin. Better circulation also increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Exercise also relieves stress, which is a common cause of acne flare-ups. Last but not least, exercise releases endorphins, the "feel good" substance in your brain that puts a smile on your face—the best beauty secret of all.

4. Cleanse your face—then tone, moisturize, and exfoliate.

At night
* First remove your makeup with an oil-free makeup remover and a cotton ball.
* Then wash your face with lukewarm water and an oil-free, non-comedogenic (doesn’t block pores) cleanser.
* Pat (don’t rub) it dry with a soft towel.
* And apply an oil-free moisturizer.

In the morning
* Wash your face as directed above, then use an alcohol-free toner.
* Next apply moisturizer.
* Then apply makeup—all oil-free and non-comedogenic.

Once or twice a week use an exfoliator with alpha hydroxy acid or glycolic acid. This will aid in the shedding of dead skin cells, the “food” for the bacteria that cause pimples.

If you exercise during the day, you’ll need to wash your face a third time, immediately afterward.

5. Protect your skin from the sun and harsh weather.

One popular myth about acne is that tanning will clear it. It may seem so at first, but soon you will notice that your tanned skin becomes less pliable, making it less able to shed oil and dead skin cells, which clog your pores. Your acne will become worse, not better.

Always wear sun block with at least an SPF-15 UVA & UVB rating. If you’ll be outside in the sun for long, wear a wide-brimmed hat.

6. Get plenty of good-quality rest.

Your immune system requires energy to do its work, including the work of protecting your skin from acne. The deep sleep the brain needs for “recharging” comes several hours into the sleep cycle. That’s why a few hours here and there won’t do. Most people need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Consider it beauty sleep.

If you make these 6 items part of your daily routine, you’ll look better, feel better, and have less need of expensive acne treatments and cosmetics.


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What Is Acnezine?


  1. Acnezine treats acne, lessens redness in the skin, reduces inflammation, and reduces puss, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, spots and blemishes. Acnezine's purpose is to promote skin healing from inside of the body, as opposed to topical applications that are applied right on the skin.
  2. Identification

  3. Acnezine is an all-natural formula composed of vitamins C and E, aloe vera, bioperine extract, alpha lipoic acid, collagen hydrolyzed, hyaluronic acid and ubidecarenone co-enzyme Q10. Acnezine treatment comes in capsule form as well as cream form.
  4. Benefits

  5. There are various benefits to using Acnezine, including aiding the immune system in battling viruses and bacteria that cause acne and neutralizing toxins in the body. It also helps scars heal more rapidly, lessens swelling and helps protect the skin. Acnezine doesn't produce any significant side effects.
  6. Considerations

  7. Some people believe that Acnezine doesn't work at all and that they experienced absolutely no improvements to their acne after using it. This is because Acnezine is most likely not strong enough for certain people, and those people will require more potent detoxification techniques to clear up their acne issues.
  8. Features

  9. There are many places online to purchase Acnezine treatments. These include Revitol.com, Differin.com, Quick2You, Acne Skin Care Product, Fix Fitness, One Stop Treatment, Supplement Health and many others.


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Acne Treatment for Teenagers

Acne is a very troubling condition for those that suffer from it. When a person suffers from facial acne there is no hiding it and when acne is drawn out over a long time it can have damaging effects on the self-esteem of those that are struggling with it. Acne is not the hopeless skin disease that it once was, there is treatment for almost all types of acne. It is very important to learn as much information as possible about acne and to know what help and what treatments are available.

There are many types of acne all with varying levels of severity. Cystic acne is one of the most severe forms of acne. It can be painful and it can also lead to troublesome scarring. As much as possible, it is best to seek treatment for acne way before it ever reaches the level of cysts and nodules. However, if for some reason that has not been possible, aggressive treatment will be necessary to halt any further progression. The first step in gaining control of severe acne is to make an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist.

Acne cysts are larger than your average pimple or blackhead. A person that suffers from cystic acne is likely to have acne spots spread over fifty percent or more of their face and they are also likely to suffer some degree of pain. Acne cysts are usually more 5 millimeters in diameter and are formed when pockets of pus are trapped just below the surface of the skin. What makes these spots extremely frustrating for those that have them is that they can last for months without going away.

Although it is great to understand what is happening with your skin, for most people the most valuable information is how to solve the problem. Most people simply want a cure, a cure that works. First, let us talk about what should not be done. Under no circumstances should a person struggling with cystic acne try to squeeze or burst a cyst. This can have detrimental consequences. Often, this will serve only to make any infection deeper, causing the cyst to take longer to heal than if left alone.

Unfortunately, no simple, catch-all cure exists for acne, especially severe acne. Doctors do have methods to help prevent scarring, which is one of the reasons that any treatment that you undertake be done with advice from your doctor. Most people find that they have to try several types of treatment or combinations of treatments before they are able to hit upon a solution. More often than not, it is a combination of treatments that do the trick.


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Simple Acne Alternative Treatments

There are several acne alternative treatments that can help impede or even cure acne. The Chinese believe that acne is caused by toxicity and heat in the blood stream. Some view acne as a digestive problem where the poisons from poor digestion are discharged into the skin.; One of the most elemental alternative acne treatments is to consume a low fat diet, maintain proper hygiene, and eat proper vitamins. Saturated fat intake should be kept to a minimum, as they can damage the tissue of the body, and also induce inflammation.

It has also be proposed to abstain from foods that may cause heat to build up in the body, like garlic, coffee, or spicy foods. Plenty of Vitamin A should be consumed, as it is essential for healthy skin. Zinc is also important as it helps heal the skin, and reduces hormonal imbalances. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential as they maintain cell membranes and aid in the transport of nutrients to the cells. Acidophilus capsules may be used to help with digestion. Daily bowl movements are important so a high fiber diet should be adhered to. For acne that is cause by menstruation Vitamin B-6 is important as it can help regularly maintain the proper metabolism of the increased release of hormones.

Some acne alternative treatments that may be applied directly to the skin include a honey facial. This is done by putting uncooked honey onto ones face and leaving it on the skin for five to ten minutes. Honey is said to revitalize the skin. Alternately tea tree oil may be applied to the skin. This has been said to impede bacteria from growing on the skin. Exfoliants may be used to treat acne and pimples. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are alpha-hydroxyl acids that are found in citrus fruits. It is suggested that they lessen dead skin cells from building up. Therefore lemon juice can be mixed with water and applied to the face. The juice should be allowed to dry on the skin for up to ten minutes and then is should be rinsed off. If one has sensitive skin more water may be required to the blend so the individual doesn't experience too much of a "burning" sensation.

Herbalists have their own concoctions to use as pimple alternative treatments. They suggest evening primrose oil, or black current seed oil capsules. Alternatively some recommend teas with Echinacea or goldenseal. Exercise and relaxation are also important alternative treatments for acne, as the body needs to be at its peak. While alternative acne treatments are controversial, especially with doctors, their success depends highly on the individual and the degree of acne they are suffering from.



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